Seattle, WA (PRWEB) February 06, 2013
With Valentines Day around the corner, Mindbloom wants to inspire relationships to be celebrated and improved on every day, whether its with a partner, parent, child, sibling or friend. To help accomplish this, Mindbloom ( today announced the expansion of its life improvement content for relationships across all its interactive health apps to inspire people with relevant tips, actions and resources. Three new relationship experts have joined Mindblooms growing partner network of experts to help create the inspirational content, including John Gray, Ph.D., best-selling relationship author of all-time with 18 booksincluding The New York Times #1 Best-Selling Book of the last decade, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus; Arielle Ford, love expert, leader in personal growth and contemporary spirituality, and author of current relationship bestseller Wabi Sabi Love; and Dr. Barton Goldsmith, award winning psychotherapist, syndicated columnist and radio host.
Mindblooms applications JUICE, Bloom and Life Game, combine the principles of behavioral science and gaming mechanics with the knowledge of notable experts and bestselling authors to make life improvement simple, fun and effective every day. Ford, Goldsmith and Gray bring tremendous relationship expertise to Mindblooms highly respected expert partner network, which already includes Shawn Achor (author of international best-seller The Happiness Advantage), Patricia Bannan (registered dietitian and author specializing in nutrition and health communication), Brett Blumenthal, (bestselling author of 52 Small Changes and, just released, A Whole New You), Lori Deschene (founder of Tiny Buddha and author of Tiny Buddha and the Tiny Wisdom eBook Series), Keri Gans (registered dietitian and author of The Small Change Diet), Brian Johnson (author of A Philosophers Notes) and M.J. Ryan (one of the creators of the New York Times bestselling Random Acts of Kindness series and the author of The Happiness Makeover).
The upcoming Valentines Day holiday is a wonderful day to let people know you care about them, but strong relationships require small actions every day regardless of how busy we are to truly blossom, said John Gray, Ph.D., whos latest book, Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice: Hormonal Balance – The Key to Life, Love and Energy, combines his 30 years as a relationship therapist with extensive new health research to explain the connection between your hormones and relationships. Mindbloom offers a great way for people to get inspired to take a quick break from hectic schedules to nurture their relationship little by little everyday. These simple actions matter, allowing us to keep our relationships top of mind everyday and not just one day a year.
Relationships Matter: The Mindbloom Apps that Inspire Your Life and Now Your Inner Cupid
In JUICE, Mindblooms recently announced free energy tracking app, Relationships has been added as a new life ingredient to help users discover daily relationship habits that could be impacting their personal energy. Similar to JUICEs earned ingredients of life balance, mood and stress, the relationship ingredient becomes available as users earn credits for tracking daily behaviors in the areas of nutrition, sleep, and exercise. In Juice, playful interactions within the app make the experience of recording and discovering habits fun, including offering a lighthearted visual sliding scale to quickly and easily rate and reflect on that days behaviors. For example, the new relationship scale ranges from ‘awful’ (a dog and a cat in the throws of battle) to ‘great’ (a dog and cat in a full embrace demonstrating love and affection). Personal and relevant relationship tips will then be offered based on the users input to encourage users to improve choices and behaviors that are problematic and favorite tips can be saved or scheduled as reminders. Some expert actions included are: Do an altruistic act by Shawn Achor, Pull in positive people by Brett Blumenthal, and Stay in the present with your relationships by Lori Deschene. Throughout the month of February, users can get the new relationship ingredient immediately with the promo code: love4all. Check out the video to how see how JUICE works.
In Mindblooms popular app Bloom, which uses images and music to inspire people to live their life to its fullest potential, new Blooms authored by Mindbloom and its team of experts will be promoted in February in the Bloom Shop and are designed to spark positive change in interpersonal connections. Examples include Let go of grudges by M.J. Ryan and Be open to romance by Dr. Barton Goldsmith. Blooms are digital inspirational reminders that use rich media and captions to motivate people to do the important things in life one might never put on a to-do list. Blooms can be viewed privately or shared publicly on Facebook, Twitter or email to inspire or encourage friends and family. In addition to offering expert-created relationship Blooms, users are encouraged to create their own Blooms with their personal photos, music and favorite sayings. These Blooms can be used to stir positive action in relationships or across other life areas; such as, lifestyle, spirituality, career, creativity, finances, and health. Check out the video to see how Bloom works.
The Mindbloom Life Game, which makes it fun for people to define whats important, discover what motivates them, and take meaningful daily actions in all areas of their life, is also getting a relationship upgrade. Suggested actions by Mindbloom experts have been added and will be featured for the month of February, such as Rejoice in the success of a friend by M.J. Ryan and Stop trying to prove yourself to others by Lori Deschene, founder of Using the metaphor of a Life Tree as a visual representation of a users priorities and progress in life, members are encouraged to grow the life they want by scheduling and completing simple actions that earn them sun, rain, seeds and awards. To date, users have followed through on millions of actions, including hundreds of thousands of personally created and expert suggested actions within the Life Game to improve their relationships. By integrating the new relationship content within the Life Game, members will be even more inspired to keep their Life Tree green and achieve their personal relationship goals. Check out the video to see how the Life Game works.
Mindbloom will actively promote the new relationship content in February across all its applications, as well as work with all its experts to offer seasonal and timely interactive health content to deeply engage users and motivate change across all areas of life throughout the year. Check out infographic titled Top Ways We Relate to see the top relationship actions and tips added by Mindblooms users to improve their relationships.
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About Mindbloom:
Mindbloom is a Seattle-based interactive media company thats out to make life improvement accessible to everyone. By harnessing next-generation engagement techniques and focusing users on personal growth, Mindbloom has created a fun, simple, and effective way for people to improve the quality of their lives. To start living a healthier and more balanced life, visit: You can also find Mindbloom on Facebook at or on Twitter at @mindbloom.
Mindbloom and their respective logos are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of Mindbloom. Other products and company names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective owners.
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Mindbloom Upgrades Relationship Life Areas to Inspire Everyones Inner Cupid Every Day
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